
Orthopedic Medicine


Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine

A non-surgical procedure for injured or painful joints and connective tissue. The goal is to stimulate the growth of new collagen, which are the building blocks of ligament tissue.

Prolotherapy is a series of precisely directed injections into joints where ligaments and tendons attach. This encourages growth of new ligament or tendon fibers, resulting in a tightening of the weakened structure. Continued treatments allow gradual buildup of tissue to restore original strength and reduce pain.

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Types of Treatment:

  • Traditional Dextrose: Concentrated dextrose solution that stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal wounds and repair ligaments.

  • Mesenchymal Signaling Cells: Derived from patient’s own bone marrow or adipose tissue; stem cells (among others) signal cell growth, repair and remodeling of articular cartilage.

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): Concentration of patient’s own platelets; contains growth factors and stem cell signaling markers to regenerate the affected area.

Commonly Treated Areas:

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How many treatments are necessary? We recommend 3-6 treatments depending on severity.

How do you know the injection location is precise? If necessary, we use ultrasound-guided injections or fluoroscopy. This allows us to be more accurate with the injections, resulting in better outcomes.

What is the recommended post-treatment care? We encourage epsom salt baths, cold packs, movement, over the counter acetaminophen, and prescribed medication as needed.